Comparison/ Contrast essay

Throughout history, parental styles have been a controversial topic. Many people believe that it can affect your childhood. Others believe that it does not. However in many cases the outcome from childhood experiences are defined. Some are defined by nature and some by nurture. Parental styles may play a huge role in a person’s future. I believe that nurture is what defines a person and their actions. Two types of parenting skills are: Authoritative and Authoritarian. Many leaders throughout history were affected by their parenting skills. The way they were raised and treated by their parents or backgrounds. It may be the reason why they did certain things. 

Authoritative parenting has a set of boundaries. They are usually loving, caring and firm. This type of parenting skill is a good balance. It balances both obedience and freedom. It consists of having boundaries and expecting their children to obey them. Parents who choose this parenting are neither strict or overly indulgent. In most cases these parents know how to make a child comfortable. They understand how to balance expectations. Expectations that may be too high or too low. Authoritative parenting is an understanding method that is very common. Being able to let the kid have freedom yet having limitations. Being able to be that “understanding” parent. Authoritative parenting can be easily noticed. When we have friends come to our home we want to have fun. Hanging out while also knowing there are limits to what we can do. As they grow older they get treated as their age. They gain responsibility as they go. These parents have rules and guidelines. In many cases the child comprehends with them. Authoritative parents communicate lots of warmth to their kids. They avoid using violent or harsh punishments. They recognize and encourage a child’s sense of autonomy. They want kids to develop self-discipline, maturity, and a respect for others. However when necessary they do discipline the child. Cornell University states, children raised by Authoritative parents become responsible adults. They display independence and maturity. However this does not always mean its true. In many cases a person can display bad actions. Even if they were raised with Authoritative parents. An example of this would be the terrorists Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden never really had a terrible childhood. He had a normal childhood like any other kid would have. His parents never disrespected him and treated him like his own age. However he did go through many important events. These events affected him as a person. His father treated him like an adult at a young age. He was raised to think like a man. To make “manly” decisions when he was young. His parents were separated when he was a child. However they were still alway there as a parental figure. In school he was presumed as a good kid. He was recognized as a “good student” by many teachers. Throughout his childhood he has always been good. However he still cause a horrific event that killed thousands of lives. Sometimes parenting skills don’t play an effect on a person but their surroundings. 

Authoritarian parenting is presumed as strict. They are known as inflexible, and unbending. They usually go by their word and only theirs. Authoritarian parenting usually expect obedience without any excuses or question. In most cases they control a child’s life. They do not allow them to make decisions of their own. Authoritarian parents usually do not explain the reason behind their rules. If a rule is ever broken or disobeyed the child will most likely have consequences. In order to discipline them they may have harsh and violent methods. When it comes to their child emotional needs they may be insensitive. These parents are dictatorial. They want their children to be quick to do as they say without any hesitation. These parents usually do not care what their children may think. Many children may feel as if they do not have a say. They are not allowed to express how they feel. According to Syracuse university many children who undergo Authoritarian parenting hate it. They may not feel like their own person. They may feel as if they do not have a mind. Even feel like they are not a “full” person. When they grow up as adults they may feel afraid. Afraid of the world and unloved. Many of these children grow up and become afraid to say what they feel. It can influence them by acting a certain way. They can be too controlling of others or too submissive. Even disconnected from their own feelings. Like Adolf Hitler he had a terrible and controlling childhood. This can be the reason why he wanted to control a whole nation. His childhood consisted of his father mistreating him. His father Alois would humiliate and beat him up daily. His father was never a good father figure for him. Even though he had both a mother and father his mother was not good either. His mother Klara spent, grieving for three older children who died of diphtheria. He never had any sort of parental figure. Adolf Hitler caused a huge amount of damage and deaths to European Jews. He was a dictatorship in which many people followed him. He created a genocide called: The Holocaust. His childhood played a huge role in his adulthood. He was damaged as a kid and decided to damage other people. His father known to be controlling also wanted to take those footsteps and be a “leader” as well.

Overall, there are two different types of parenting skills. Authoritative and Authoritarian parenting are both distinctive. Each portraying parenting skills that show obedience in a different way. Authoritative parenting skills are firm but caring. They are usually lenient however they have a set of boundaries. Known to be understanding parents. In which let their child take their own actions and decisions. These parents allow their children to make choices that are age-appropriate. Which encouraging them to take on more responsibility as they grow. On the other hand Authoritarian parenting skills are usually strict. Everything has to go by their word and only their word. They usually do not care about their children feelings. When it comes to obedience they punish them harshly. I believe that the childhood of a child and adult does affect them. It makes who the person is. However I believe that what makes a person is their surroundings and background. Like Adolf hitler his childhood was rough. He grew up to make very bad decisions in life. However Osama Bin Laden had a normal childhood. His parents never mistreated him but he still took very bad decisions. I believe that nurture is what actually defines a person and their actions. 

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